Friday, July 24, 2009

Graduation !


It's a time to fly
just like the butterfly...

i'll miss you all 
and you know who are you ...

best friend ever 

As we go on 
We remember all the times we had together.
And as our lives change
Come whatever , 
We will still be Friends Forever 

 paige , ricky , yunshu , my best friends in class  =D

my lovely sis 

 finally , she met ernest  =D , 
 poor matthew , don't cry pls ...

thanks , i ♥ it..

__ momo  __

Friday, July 10, 2009

h e r e

總是不夠好 不夠精 知道的永遠不夠多
總是細細咪密密 複雜有龐大的思考
總是給自己出問題 答不出來
總是要跌倒才知道痛 從不聽勸
總是腦袋永遠慢三秒鐘 快不來Justify Full
總是用直覺 憑感覺 摔的很疼

直在這裡的我 是幸福 是快樂 是孤單 是寂寞的
